A journey back to yourself.

Our Power

After entering your body in chakra one and aligning your core between heaven and earth in chakra two, the next step is to activate your energy body and direct that energy in a way that is masterful. Now, at the third chakra, we add a third point to the two points we drew bettwen the first two centers. 

With a third point we define an area. Finding more room in your inner temple, fire begins to dance, building up energy. The first chakra represents getting inside your vehicle and learning how it operates. The second chakra is about getting your vehicle moving. You could push the car down a hill to do that, and as long as nothing is in the way and the road flows downhill, it will keep moving. But to take a successful journey you need a way to steer the vehicle, as well as provide an engine to keep it energized so it can climb hills or accelerate when necessary. This is the task of the solar plexus. 

Matter and movement combine to generate the element of the third chakra, which is fire and presents as Mastery. Mastery is the ability to transform intention into reality, live deliberately, and create your life on purpose. But even more important, mastery is fulfilling your intentions with ease.

From Anodea Judith's Chakra Yoga 

The Class

Set up a comfortable and private space to gift yourself some movement and meditation today. 


During this upcoming week try and set a daily routine to repeat this class and meditation every single day.  You'll see that through repetition our mind and body start integrating the information our conscious mind can't always detect.

affirmation:  i shine bright with authenticity and inmense personal power.

Take some time to journal your thoughts and sensations.

Mindful at Work Audio Meditation
Week Three | Our Power


A powerful practice to harness the power of thught and bring in into paper to connect with emotions, memories and beliefs.  After your meditation choose on of these questions and just let your hand write and channel your soul.

  • How sure am I of myself and of achieving my goals?
  • How can I connect to my personal power?
  • Why and when do I feel weak?
  • Why and when do I feel strong?
  • How comfortable am I being different from those around me?
  • What situations make me keep putting my needs last?
  • What are my feelings about whether or not people see me as capable of handling everything?
  • Am I willing to show myself in a more authentic and vulnerable way?
  • What are the gifts and talents that I feel I came to share with others?